Monday, March 14, 2011

21st birthdays galore.

Here on 3G, we've been MIA. For a few reasons, the 21st birthday celebrations are about to do us in. Since we last blogged, Mary Brown, Emily and Margaret all turned 21.
Here's the end of Mary Brown's 21st birthday night--coming up the stairs in the hall Mary Brown was loud and needed a whole army to get her up the stairs.

A few updates from the hall--

  • we now are proud owners of a wii. Thanks to wilson nickles' 13th birthday we now can play rock band all we want. We got his hand-me-down games. yahoo!
  • as of tomorrow, we are officially registering as SENIORS. that's a scary thought.
  • half of 3g officially has townhouse b5 next year. we're pumped.
  • maria, liz, katie and carrie went to sugarland in greenville last week. stay tuned for videos. we were on the back row in the very top and we had the best time. seriously.
  • it feels like a sauna on the third floor of Grotnes, we're ready for campus to turn on the AC!
  • WE'RE SO PROUD OF KATE SNEAD FOR GETTING INTO MUSC PHARMACY SCHOOL NEXT YEAR, even though we are going to miss her too much next year.

This past weekend, we celebrated both Emily and Marge's 21st birthdays...with Omar's 29th.
There was a lot of dancing, kissing, and celebrating. We all made it back.. eventually to the hall.

Sarah Beth came to surprise Liz as her ADPi crush party date for 80's prom. they had way too much fun. Liz is a different person with SB around.

Saturday afternoon after the 21st festivities, this is what happened on a sunny afternoon outside of Grotnes.

Emily and Hannah got out of control- once again.

Then, Saturday night, Maria, Liz and Carrie played a trick on Mary Brown. Earlier in the afternoon they moved her car out to fraternity court. We waited to tell her about it until we went out that night-- and she saw it parked in front of a not so hopping frat house.

Here are some pictures to recap the few weeks we've been on hiatus.Spring Break recaps, nights out and any  embarrassing picture we think the world should see.

Marge and Claire went to Spain for spring break, no big deal.

Mary Brown, Kate, Maria and Hannah went on a Cruise- and apparently sang a lot of karaoke.

and carrie went to disney world to visit little micah!
sorry don't know how to change the quality of this picture.....


1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness you guys are back, you have been gone far too long!!! Glad to hear from you!! Come visit sometime soon!!
