Sunday, January 9, 2011

WE'RE BACK IN 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


3G is back and having a great time being back on the hall together--most of the girls on the hall have pushed their beds together and we currently have multiple king size beds. We've taken turns watching movies and laying around in different beds, you know to change the setting. We've been looking like this in front of the TV-- in all of our glory.

Let's see... we started classes last week, ADPi had their semi-formal Friday night, Theta- Chi had their Christmas Party Saturday- Maria and Mary Brown went to it. We have been dressing up, cleaning up, eating up, and waiting for the snow to hit all weekend!

Kate Snead had her first function on Friday night as a legal 21 year old. Kate was very upset that she had to mop the floors after the semi-formal... She claimed that "she was being treated like a slave, and that people needed to just needed to start calling her Annie." True Life. She said she had blisters all over her hands from mopping the venue. Witnesses claim that Kate mopped an area of 3x4feet. That's almost as big... as a mop. So after Kate has been abused, mistreated, had been called orphan Annie, we told her to go to bed...immediately.

And- here's a picture of Kate at the semi-formal, dancing. Kate doesn't dance-- this is Kate Snead in her rarest form, being dipped and TEARING up the dance floor. 

After thirty minutes of being at the houses, girls were called to come back in and check on Kate. The girls frantically came to Kate's room, and she was missing. They immediately knew where she was- Hannah's king size bed... in her semi-formal dress...crying, a lot. The girls got Kate out of a bed that didn't belong to her, and into her own, and into PJs, to get to sleep! 

Here's a picture of some 3g girls out at the fraternity houses on Friday night! Obviously you can tell we hadn't been out in a while, we are looking mighty WHITE and BRIGHT. We had a great time belting out some Jason DeRulo-- and Emily showing off some straight arm-ed dance moves. 

Saturday Night, disaster. Liz, unpacked quietly in her room while the majoity of the hall came back to 3g in drunken tears. So dumb. But, the girls had fun out to say the very least. Too much fun. Kate and Hannah were RUDE, Mary Brown came in with tears asking Liz to "hold her", doesn't remember why today.

This afternoon, we layed around and watched movies in Hannah's bed.... Here's an arguement that was had by Hannah and Emily. We all love their fights and here's another great one. 

 We had a surprise RAVE TONIGHT for Callie Neal's 20th Birthday!!!! She was brought over blind folded---

and 3G waited patiently for her surprise RAVE thrown by US!! THE BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!! Props to Emma Reynolds for taking all of the awesome pictures with her new cam!! 

Callie, we love you and love it when you grace the hall with your presence. We love the spend the nights, and the laughs come our way.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALLIE NEAL. YOU ROCK, LOVE 3G!!!!!!!!!!

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